I often feel like I get nothing done. Usually once I think back on what I did in a day, that’s demonstrably not true. To prove it to myself, last weekend, a four-day weekend, I counted up how many tasks I checked off my to do list.
Items on the to do list and completed: 40
Items not on the to do list and completed: 16 (including installing new shower heads, setting up the rain barrel, laundry…)
Items remaining on the to do list: 3
Number of those items that were added to the to do list during the weekend: 1
Number of those items started but not finished: 1 (that was finishing my outline for the novel workshop later this month)
Items removed from to do list and postponed: 9 (at least)
Total items done: 56
Total items not done (out of items I meant to do during the weekend, not out of all items on my to do list, or all possible tasks in the universe): 12
Not bad at all.