Tennis league

A few months ago, I said we were taking tennis classes. Well, the Champaign Park District offers classes year-round at its indoor tennis center, so we’re still taking classes. At the same level that we’ve been in since June, with a bunch of the same people. Which is pretty nice since we’re all improving together.

I’d rather be outside, but inside there’s no wind and more importantly, no sun in my eyes or rain, so I’m happy to have this option. And they’ve got nets to block off your court from the adjacent ones–no chasing your ball across three courts! I love that so very much.

Anyway. J and I have joined a tennis league. He joined in the previous session, so this is the second time for him this fall. There are four leagues and we’re in the lowest one, of course. If you end up winning, you get an invite to the next-level-up league. I’m in last place out of four right now. In first place is a woman who would be in the next-level-up league, except it doesn’t fit her schedule. J is in third and I’m annoyed that he’s beating me by so much. I was better than him when we started playing.

My goal for the league is a) not get kicked out for losing too badly, b) win one game off the person on 1st place, and c) tie J when I play him. (He beat me soundly last week, but I’d run a 5k that morning).

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