Writing First

I feel kind of dorky saying this, but some months ago I put an item on my to do list (repeating daily) that is a few sentences for me to read. That means I start every day by checking my to do list and reading those sentences, which are a reminder to put writing first.

In particular they say that writing is more important than various other activities, including blogging.

So today I got up, did my strength training, made breakfast, and worked on my novel (ok, that’s 3rd, but whatever). That’s pretty much my normal morning schedule, so why am I telling you this? Because I ran out of time to write today’s blog post. Usually I write them on the weekends, but I was away.

I could have cut my novel time short this morning and written a post. I could write a post today at lunch instead of writing the cool scene where my protagonist goes to the place to get the thing but runs into that person. But the book comes first, so I’ve got no post for you.

(Yes, technically this is a blog post. But it isn’t really.)

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Filed under Writing

One Response to Writing First

  1. It’s an oxymoron! đŸ™‚ Happy writing!

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